The First Ladies of First United Church of Christ is an organization for all church women, and their guests, existing to provide moral support and social fellowship. We meet several times a year for events such as the "Welcome to Fall" party, Christmas party, "Bah Humbug to Winter" party, "Spring Fling" Brunch, and Summer Picnic.
We also mail cards to our members who are ill. We sell nuts to raise money for our mission projects, send "care packages" and cards to our troops, were a past sponsor of "Daffodil Days" for the American Cancer Society, sponsor crafts for our children at our annual "Hanging of the Greens", bake for various church events, sponsor a food sales & a Father's Day Breakfast in June.
We also provide bereavement luncheons for church members and their families following funerals, as a means of care and support.
Some of our associated groups are the "BookWorms", our book club and our latest addition, the "Dinner Dames", which gives our ladies the opportunity to enjoy a night out at a local restaurant with friends.
All church women and their friends are welcome to join us for fun and fellowship!
The Dinner Dames is another spinoff from First Ladies. This group loves to go out to local restaurants to enjoy a "girls night out", enjoy some good food, and catch up on all the news with the ladies in the group. We usually go out on a Wednesday night, as that's the best night for the restaurants to accommodate all of us.
Watch the weekly church bulletin and Steeple News for all First Ladies news, including dates and times of our events, and plan on joining us for some good fun.
Watch the bulletins and next Steeple News for upcoming gathering dates!