Ministry takes many forms, from the preaching of the Gospel, to visiting the sick, to feeding the hungry, to teaching the children, to bringing others to the Lord through music of praise and worship. First U.C.C. has many forms of ministry both within the church walls and outside into the community and world.
Our Music Ministry, led by Sheila Cooke our organist and music director, ministers to all of us by enhancing our worship as we lift our voices together or listen as our spirits soar along with the music. We have several choirs which are open to anyone who would like to join; Senior Choir, Praise Choir, and Bell Choir. Read more about out Music Ministry....
First UCC has a number of outreach ministries to serve our local community and reach those around the world through our Christian Witness Committee who oversees our mission giving. We have yearly fundraising for Bethany Children's Home, Phoebe Home, ProJeCt of Easton and many other local and international helping agencies.