As a young town Easton became a leader in the fight for freedom and was chosen as one of the three cities where the Declaration would be publicly read. From the steps of the old Court House in the Great Square the Declaration of Independence was read on July 8, 1776 by Robert Levers in the shadow of our historic First U.C.C. Church (Then known as "The German Reformed Church of Easton"). Here the Easton flag, the first to use red, white and blue with stars and stripes was first unfurled and Easton's Liberty Bell made by the Moravians at Bethlehem added its bronze note of rejoicing from the cupola of the historical Court House. Easton resident George Taylor was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Easton Area Heritage Day is a celebration of these historic events and our historic church stood witness to it all!
So we join in this annual celebration! This year First U.C.C. again will participate in the community worship service and open our doors to visitors for tours, a very special organ concert, refreshments and other kid friendly activities. Everyone is invited to stop in and visit and beat the heat with some refreshments in our air-conditioned parlor.
Please check back in June for our First Church Heritage Day events schedule!